Dear LeakedReality Community
First and foremost, we sincerely apologize for the
delay in reaching out to you. Due to unforeseen and extremely
complicated legal actions, we were unable to access our domain, social
media accounts, or send emails to our users.
Importantly, these actions and harassments have originated from a
foreign country outside of Sweden, as a result, our community has been
inactive for almost two years. I also would like to express my gratitude
to the Swedish authorities for assisting us during these difficult and
challenging times.
After a long and tough battle, we have managed to resolve
most of the legal issues that plagued us. Unfortunately, these severe
legal actions included significant harassment that affected me
personally, leading to homelessness, loss of income,
and a disrupted social life, and consequences of all these challenges
has prevented me from running the site.
If you are a diehard Leaker fan, you might
understand why this happened. To put it simply, all of us, including
you, as part of the LR family, stood up for the freedom of speech
despite all
attempts at censorship. When those efforts to silence us failed,
they turned personal.
The Leaked Reality community has always been
a beacon for those who value truth, transparency, and the free exchange
of ideas. Your unwavering support and patience during this tumultuous
time have been a source of strength and inspiration. Our commitment to
the principles of free speech and open dialogue has never wavered.
Despite the personal and professional hardships, we have
persevered, belief in free speech and open dialogue has kept us going
strong. We couldn't have gotten through this without your help and
I want to take this opportunity to express
my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your incredible support and
patience during these challenging times. I am especially thankful to
those who have kept this site running through their donations,
VIP memberships, and countless hours of dedication. Your efforts in
growing our community, whether by commenting or spreading the word,
have been invaluable.
You are the essence of LeakedReality. You all deserve more than
just a thank you, but unfortunately, that's all I can offer right now.
Here’s what you need to know moving forward:
Rebuilding and Recovery: We are in the
process of rebuilding our online presence and re-establishing
communication channels. Our website and social media accounts will be
gradually reactivated, and you can expect regular updates and content to
resume soon.
In conclusion, while the past two
years have been incredibly challenging, we emerge more determined and
committed to our cause. We are excited to reconnect with all of you and
to continue our mission of fostering open dialogue and freedom of
expression. Thank you for standing by us.
With deepest gratitude,
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